Anyone who knows me well, will tell you that I love to organize things.  And yes, while this is true, the thing I like to organize the absolute LEAST is my kitchen.  It’s just not my idea of fun, and to be completely honest, I just don’t spend a ton on time there.  However, over the holidays I had some time off work & actually spent more time there doing things like…well, you know…like being all domestic and stuff. 😉  During this time of domestic bliss, I realized that looking for something in my kitchen was like LOOKING FOR SOMETHING AT TJ MAXX!!!  Pure disarray & discord!  If & when I even found myself motivated to do something in the kitchen, by the time I started trying to find everything I needed, I was over it before I ever even got started.
Ready or not…something had to be done.
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There are a lot of different variables/rules to be considered when organizing something in order to make it functional, however, for me there is one rule that will not be broken no matter what the project is.  It MUST look appealing to the eye when I’m finished.  If it’s makes your life easier AND looks pretty, your odds of keeping it organized will dramatically increase!
Here’s what I did to make boring canisters say, “EXUSE ME, BUT HAVE YOU SEEN MY NEW LABELS!”
And there you have it!  No more TJ Maxx cabinets!!!
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If your worried about emptying a bag of something into a canister & then not having the cooking instructions that were on the bag later.  Simple.  Just cut it out of the bag or box & slide it inside of the canister.  If you don’t like the idea of keeping it in the actual canister, you could even cut it out & keep them all in a recipe box.
Where do the spices go???  Move them to a large drawer if you have one.  They’re so much easier to find than if they are stacked in front of each other in a cabinet.
Here’s my motto on organizing –
Keep it functional.  Keep it simple.  Keep it pretty.